"Who's That Talking In My Head?" Session #7

Editor”s Note: E. Victoria Lee is a published author and spiritual teacher. In 2000, she wrote “Secrets in the Soul,” which is now available on Amazon.com. A fellow traveler, we are honored to have her guest blog on soberhelpnow.net.

Session #7 – Developing a Higher Belief System About ME (My Energy)
From Workbook on Healing the Inner Child/Self (Updated, © 2009)
Written by E. Victoria Lee, D.D., Author, Los Angeles (sobriety date 10/21/1981)
Moving Toward an Atomosphere of Wholeness Through Sobriety of Body and Mind
Think About It:
1. The total role of dysfunction is to keep one unaware.
2. Nothing changes until it becomes what it really is.
3. Mature people recognize feelings so that they do not have to be acted out for long stretches of time.
4. Mature people know it”s okay to feel, but eventually must adjust feelings through taking actions.
5. We are the product online casino of our environment – thus we are shaped by that environment, healthily or not.
6. Mature people in becoming adults restructure reality to reflect positive surroundings and build a
frame work no longer colored by early conditioning past from childhood and adolescence.
Assignment: *Another chance to work closely with a trusted person/sponsor who can help you see
yourself clearer:
7. Mature people change their environment by doing a life inventory that brings to the
forefront what needs to change in ones life consciously and subconsciously, a good place
to begin is with the anger felt toward yourself and others which ends up as resentments, i.e.,
a- if one is resentful, what in your past is brought forth in relationships with people?
b- How does it exhibit itself profoundly in interactions with self and others?
c- Do you still “act out” abusively toward yourself and others?
E. Victoria Lee About E. Victoria Lee

E. Victoria Lee is a published author and spiritual teacher. In 2000, she wrote “Secrets in the Soul,” which is now available on Amazon.com.

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